google-site-verification: google82af41cbbb927c7d.html Grove Creek Family History: Free Webinar US Research Series: United States Military Records—October 11, 2014

Mt. Timpanogos Temple, photo by Rick Satterfield, used with permission

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Free Webinar US Research Series: United States Military Records—October 11, 2014


Image: David Maiolo
Image: SSG Sun L. Vega

David Dilts, AG. will be presenting a class on using United States Military Records to help document the lives of our ancestors. The class is on Saturday, October 11, 2014. This should be a great class as military records contain some great information to help us round out our ancestors lives. We had some horrendous military conflicts in the 20th century and I, for one, am very grateful for those individuals who answered the call to action. I am very aware that my freedom was paid for by many self-sacrificing individuals, including some of my ancestors. For information about this class, click here.

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